this post is actually about 3 of my friends leaving egypt.. incase we never see each other again laa.. as u all know, we all hanged out at hardees.. we had fun.. but when it was time to say good bye, it was the hardest part..
i`m not going to give a long detailed biography about them.. just a short n simple goodbye message is enough..
the first lad i`ll miss is husni.. the first time i met him was during school assembly.. yeah both of us were bald at that time.. *high 5*.. he is a reliable friend.. everyone likes him.. a friend that u can trust... he`s also my chit-chating buddy in the class.. one day at school without him sure will be boring..
muaz, i met him during the first day of school, when it was p.e.. we had an awkward conversation that i can`t recall.. =,=.. he is the best source if u wanna cheat in u`re quiz or exam.. haha.. i did that..=) a smart dude with a brain of einstein.. the whole school knows him.. all he need to do is say "SCHOOL!! ATTENTION!!".. haha.. he gained all the respect from others.. "star" in all subject.. except eng.. >:)
last but not least is husna syamila.. a 16 year old enthusiastic girl.. recalling how i met her always make me smile.. she asked me if i can share my book with her in english, n i replied in malay.. her face turned red in a millisecond.. =P haha.. best girl to be friend with.. have a nice n sweet voice when reciting the Quran.. smart as her brother muaz.. i sometimes asked myself, who is smarter?? haha.. also a trust worthy friend..

to all u three, i just wanna say good bye n good luck in your future.. also have fun.. there were alot of ups n downs between us, but hey, thats what people do rite?? we make mistake.. n we forgive each other just like that.. if there`s a chance we can meet, i won`t throw that opportunity away.. n don`t forget to read my blog constantly to know whats happening in egypt.. haha.. =]
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