the day starts when my physics teacher punked us all.. i mean it punked kaw2.. he told us all that we had an examination today.. i was like fudge nooo!! he went outside to get the question paper n when he returns he was smiling.. "april fool".. we got punked n fooled n humiliated.. i was glad he was joking.. REALLY GLAD!! eng went on as usual.. we played a game i dunno wats it called.. i had lots of fun during break.. n btw, i injured myself for the 4th time this week n ripped my pants twice.. after break i had chemistry.. huurrmmm.. a certain sumone spilled COFFFFFFEEEEE on the teachers desk.. n i came saved the day by wiping the table using the board duster n i managed to throw that thing away.. wat a pro..
after that i had bio practical.. hurrmm.. the best branch of science i like the most.. experiments n not that much writing.. after we had done doin some questions, the teacher treated the whole class with some hoho`s.. yumm2!! the last period was math.. but we had free.. U ROCK MR. SAMER!!
when we were free during maths, all the IG`s student made this human pyramid.. IT WAS SERIUSLY EPIC AT THIS TIME!! I LOL`D all the time.. here are some pictures to show u guyz..
it looked like made it yea?? but nooottt!! everytime when the last person tries to climb n complete the pyramid.. the world went crashing down.. down down down down down.. dowwwnn, even if the sky is falling down.. oh.. sorry2.. got carried away..
after school my friends and i stayed there for a while.. cuz we were waitin for our chemistry teacher to finish his class.. meanwhile i snapped pictures here n there, up n down, right n left, horizontal n vertical with my canon.. =) i mean the camera brand canon.. when my teacher is done teaching, we headed for HARDEESS!! we ate n took pictures.. we also played this game called erm... =@ can`t remember the name..
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