huuurrrmm.. bangun pagi, gosok gigi, pergi sklh kul 11.. tpi naik taxi bodo yg x taw jalan.. dia pun suruh la aku arah ke destinasi ku.. tu xde masalah la bab aku taw jln.. tpi yg pelik nye, aku soh g zamalek dulu, naik jambatan depan mata dia tu.. haaa.. aku siap tunjuk lagi tok naik.. tpi malangnye cermin mata dia x cukup kuat, dia jalan terus g british council.. aku lak bengang time tu.. dok diam jelah.. buat x taw.. then dia tny mana jalan nye.. aku pun ckp kat zamalek la... naseb x mencarut time tu.. dah la panas.. then dia ckp oooo.. ooo my ass laa.. so dia bawa aku ke jambatan yg ada statue singa 2 ekor tu.. jalan2 naik jambatan.. lega sikit.. tpi dia wat hal lagi.. dia turun jambatan di tempat yg salah.. =___= _|_
kena la carik jalan yg btul blk.. last2 dia tny member dia, then sampai gak kat sklh.. byr dia lak 15 henggit.. mampus dia la..
masuk je kawasan sklh, carik la cikgu phys aku yg mintak pertolongan aku.. kata soh dtg kol 12.. tpi skrg kol 1.30.. adoi.. buat penat aku dtg.. tpi yg xleh bla, ble dia ada, dia xde lak mintak tlg aku.. bengong tol.. so nak hilangkan bosan aku g la bio lab.. haaa.. ada gak org yg pandai layan aku.. then aku tolong cikgu siap kan bio nye stall..
pameran science n seni start kul 4.. bla bla bla.. duta pakistan dtg.. bla bla bla.. and the one parcitipate explain wat they have made.. like me..
not much picture to display bab aku xde masa nak jln2.. nak g tandas pun xleh.. semua dtg tny.. "wtf is this" ?? "woot teh hell is this" ?? well, my partner n i made this bioreactor.. google it if u don`t know wat it is.. but some malaysian came n asked my partner.. he explained.. they nodded their head.. then they asked me to explain wat it is in malay.. ahahha.. but i managed to hold my laughter..
when the exhibition was finished, something happened.. well, i was asking my friend to bluetooth a picture of me that she took in the library.. she was looking for the picture, but then she opened something else.. it is was a picture of WHOOOAAAA!!! WTF!!! she was blushed.. her face turned from white to red.. i keeped it cool.. ye2 je.. padahal da excited en.. haha.. i went home with a smile then.. ;]
it was 7.30 i guess at that time.. i went over to my friend`s house to stay there for the night.. what else dude?? its dota time man.. haha.. this time i played till 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning.. damn.. =D