i have nothing to do except facebook and dota all day, so i decided to come along.. and anyways, yesterday activities may be the last one before i go back to my tanah air.. some of them didn`t know and i plan to keep it dat way..
first stop, panaroma 6th october..
so when we stepped in the bowling center, i saw two little kids.. n i noticed dat it was the son of ust. zul.. i was like omg.. wtf r u guys doin.. n they told me dat the malaysian dads is having a competition.. zzzzzzzzz... ponteng keje tu... hhahaha.. so as usual, my frens called me n asked why is my tribe here.. lOOOOL..! haha.. watever is the answer, we just played.. and also, i was the cameraman of the day.. =,=
well, we went to citystars after an hour or two.. owh yeah, i forgot to mention we payed the bus driver from our school to be our transport for the day.. but three of my frens went with a car.. and i joined them.. =)
after we reached there, well, we were planning to watch a movie.. but some of us wanted to watch the african world cup argentina vs nigeria.. zzzzzzz... so we split into two groups.. one goin to watch a movie and the other one watch the match.. i was with the movie group.. but then, another prob came up.. one side wanted to watch prince of persia and the other wanted to watch nightmare on elm street.. so we went for the majority and nightmare on elm street it was..
it was one sick shit horror movie.. but to me, it was kinda bullshit.. especially the last part where the main character pulled the villain out from her dream.. zzzz... but overall it was ok.. for those who hates blood and sudden loud sound coming out from no where , i suggest you should stick to power rangers.. even my frens screamed lool..
after the movie, it was time for us to eat.. yesh.. many choices such ms mcd, hardees, kfc, etc etc.. but one shop caught my attention.. can`t remember the name but they were selling asian food.. rice and noodles etc etc.. and one of fren said, "this is heaven to hafiz".. haha.. can`t get dat out of my head.. so damn funny..
at 5 o`clock or somthing, we donno wat to do, so we planned on playing bumper cars.. lool.. kinda childish but who cares.. it was fun though.. and i recorded everything.. when we were bumping to each other.. b.u.m.p.i.n.g...
not much to do after dat.. just chilling around and we went home after dat.
Not Much Talkin though :( Plus prince of persia was better lol :D another gr8 blog api keep it up