28 September 2010
22 August 2010
yeah esok.. esok pe? esok ujian bulanan ler... aku da ready lum? mesti laa blum.. aku mana pernah ready tok pape.. baru sebulan setengah masuk sklh memang sakit idong la nak catchup ngn subject2 yg aku x blaja.. lebih2 lagi addmaths and sejarah.. woooooooooow sheeeeeeeeeeeett... boleh bunuh org kowt kalo blaja dua subject tu.. haha..
xpe2.. mne taw dibulan ramadan nie, miracle leh berlaku en.. so pape terjadi do doa2 for me.. :]
study?? pffft spe la study.. aku buku mne pernah sentuh.. dgr dlm kelas je.. masuk telinga kanan kuar idong kiri kowt.. xpe2.. aku ni jenis yg kuat ingatan... *sumpah aku menipu* ;)
12 August 2010
Once upon a time: ketikaku bertarawih
well, nak dikatakan ilham xgak.. nak kata kenangan x la jugakk.. so biar aku citer apa kisah semalam yg membuatkan aku menulis diblog aku semula..
da masuk bulan ramadan nie, mesti la berpose and g solat sunat tarawih.. so lps berbuka and solat maghrib.. g la solat isyak and tarawih di surau al-mizan didpn rumah aku nie.. xtaw la kenapa but best la pulak solat.. dulu slalu merungut je xnak pergi..
but, last nite.. ble da abis solat tarawih rakaat ke-4 x silap aku.. dtg nak seorang bpk bersama anak nye.. mereka dua solat kat sebelah aku.. then aku teringat, tahun nie adalah tahun pertama aku menunaikan rukun islam yg ke-3 tanpa bapak aku.. aku dgn muka tembok aku pun dgr la perbualan diorang.. aku x kesah sgt pe yg diorang ckp, yg aku tetiba touching bab terasa lain ble bpk ko x teman ko g masjid tok solat tarawih.. da la bpk aku dok jauh gle.. adoi3..
in addition la, nak kata aku geram/menyampah etc xde la sgt.. sbb dulu aku pun wat benda sama.. buat apa? well lps solat slalunye ada ajk surau akan menyediakan makan/minom bgi yg solat tarawih.. pendek citer moreh la namanye.. ermmm.. bdk2 kecik g surau bkn tok solat.. but tok lepak ngn member then mkn.. spe yg x bgitu.. aku dulu pun cmtu.. so i can`t get frust over dat small issue rite? but kena la ada org tegur.. kalo stakat nak abis kan makanan time org nah bertarawih baik mkn kat rumah.. aku pun nak mkn sikit.. ish3..
besides dat, solat tarawih ada bwk kenangan time aku kat egypt dulu.. our first gathering la katakan.. berbuka kat hardees.. time tu semua nampak lain..

from left: madi, husna, bushra wan, aku hilmi, husni, ibah, mera..
aku rasa ada org missing.. rse2 nye ngah order makanan kowt.. hahah

slps mkn and do all the crap dat u need to do during berbuka puasa/iftar, well we hit the road.. lol mne ada.. g rumah member as usual laa.. mkn minom lagi kat rumah dia.. then solat tarawih.. and x silap aku tu la our first and last tarawih bersama.. haha.. solat yg diketuai oleh imam husni.... ehem3.. and the word for dat day was "kemut".. haahha.. sesapa yg igt time nie akan igt perkataan tu forever.. =D
well, idea aku da kering skit.. why don`t i stop here n continue later on.. ble da dpt idea bru la tulis.. bkn senang nak dpt ilham.. bak kata member aku, "the best idea comes when u`re in the toilet".. ;)
da masuk bulan ramadan nie, mesti la berpose and g solat sunat tarawih.. so lps berbuka and solat maghrib.. g la solat isyak and tarawih di surau al-mizan didpn rumah aku nie.. xtaw la kenapa but best la pulak solat.. dulu slalu merungut je xnak pergi..
but, last nite.. ble da abis solat tarawih rakaat ke-4 x silap aku.. dtg nak seorang bpk bersama anak nye.. mereka dua solat kat sebelah aku.. then aku teringat, tahun nie adalah tahun pertama aku menunaikan rukun islam yg ke-3 tanpa bapak aku.. aku dgn muka tembok aku pun dgr la perbualan diorang.. aku x kesah sgt pe yg diorang ckp, yg aku tetiba touching bab terasa lain ble bpk ko x teman ko g masjid tok solat tarawih.. da la bpk aku dok jauh gle.. adoi3..
in addition la, nak kata aku geram/menyampah etc xde la sgt.. sbb dulu aku pun wat benda sama.. buat apa? well lps solat slalunye ada ajk surau akan menyediakan makan/minom bgi yg solat tarawih.. pendek citer moreh la namanye.. ermmm.. bdk2 kecik g surau bkn tok solat.. but tok lepak ngn member then mkn.. spe yg x bgitu.. aku dulu pun cmtu.. so i can`t get frust over dat small issue rite? but kena la ada org tegur.. kalo stakat nak abis kan makanan time org nah bertarawih baik mkn kat rumah.. aku pun nak mkn sikit.. ish3..
besides dat, solat tarawih ada bwk kenangan time aku kat egypt dulu.. our first gathering la katakan.. berbuka kat hardees.. time tu semua nampak lain..

aku rasa ada org missing.. rse2 nye ngah order makanan kowt.. hahah

well, idea aku da kering skit.. why don`t i stop here n continue later on.. ble da dpt idea bru la tulis.. bkn senang nak dpt ilham.. bak kata member aku, "the best idea comes when u`re in the toilet".. ;)
egyptian life,
once upon a time,
11 July 2010
ok, now i`m back where i`m suppose to be. not much time to use the laptop cause it sux ass big times.. =,= so no dota for a while..
but in the mean time i`ll be dating my ps3.. and not long after that i`ll be goin to school again.. damn, i feel so lazy..
about my blog.. well, i`ll be updating it if i`m not asleep.. so, till we meet again. =DD
but in the mean time i`ll be dating my ps3.. and not long after that i`ll be goin to school again.. damn, i feel so lazy..
about my blog.. well, i`ll be updating it if i`m not asleep.. so, till we meet again. =DD
13 June 2010
aaaah yesh.. its been long since i post any new post here.. kinda busy lately.. haha rite.. actually theres nothing to talk about after the school holiday have started.. not much action happened lately.. but yesterday someone pulled the trigger and a chain reaction happened.. wtf am i saying.. long story short, my school mate decided to have some fun.. and they planned to go to citystars.. =D
i have nothing to do except facebook and dota all day, so i decided to come along.. and anyways, yesterday activities may be the last one before i go back to my tanah air.. some of them didn`t know and i plan to keep it dat way..
first stop, panaroma 6th october..
so when we stepped in the bowling center, i saw two little kids.. n i noticed dat it was the son of ust. zul.. i was like omg.. wtf r u guys doin.. n they told me dat the malaysian dads is having a competition.. zzzzzzzzz... ponteng keje tu... hhahaha.. so as usual, my frens called me n asked why is my tribe here.. lOOOOL..! haha.. watever is the answer, we just played.. and also, i was the cameraman of the day.. =,=

well, we went to citystars after an hour or two.. owh yeah, i forgot to mention we payed the bus driver from our school to be our transport for the day.. but three of my frens went with a car.. and i joined them.. =)

after we reached there, well, we were planning to watch a movie.. but some of us wanted to watch the african world cup argentina vs nigeria.. zzzzzzz... so we split into two groups.. one goin to watch a movie and the other one watch the match.. i was with the movie group.. but then, another prob came up.. one side wanted to watch prince of persia and the other wanted to watch nightmare on elm street.. so we went for the majority and nightmare on elm street it was..

it was one sick shit horror movie.. but to me, it was kinda bullshit.. especially the last part where the main character pulled the villain out from her dream.. zzzz... but overall it was ok.. for those who hates blood and sudden loud sound coming out from no where , i suggest you should stick to power rangers.. even my frens screamed lool..
after the movie, it was time for us to eat.. yesh.. many choices such ms mcd, hardees, kfc, etc etc.. but one shop caught my attention.. can`t remember the name but they were selling asian food.. rice and noodles etc etc.. and one of fren said, "this is heaven to hafiz".. haha.. can`t get dat out of my head.. so damn funny..
at 5 o`clock or somthing, we donno wat to do, so we planned on playing bumper cars.. lool.. kinda childish but who cares.. it was fun though.. and i recorded everything.. when we were bumping to each other.. b.u.m.p.i.n.g...

not much to do after dat.. just chilling around and we went home after dat.

i have nothing to do except facebook and dota all day, so i decided to come along.. and anyways, yesterday activities may be the last one before i go back to my tanah air.. some of them didn`t know and i plan to keep it dat way..
first stop, panaroma 6th october..
so when we stepped in the bowling center, i saw two little kids.. n i noticed dat it was the son of ust. zul.. i was like omg.. wtf r u guys doin.. n they told me dat the malaysian dads is having a competition.. zzzzzzzzz... ponteng keje tu... hhahaha.. so as usual, my frens called me n asked why is my tribe here.. lOOOOL..! haha.. watever is the answer, we just played.. and also, i was the cameraman of the day.. =,=
well, we went to citystars after an hour or two.. owh yeah, i forgot to mention we payed the bus driver from our school to be our transport for the day.. but three of my frens went with a car.. and i joined them.. =)
after we reached there, well, we were planning to watch a movie.. but some of us wanted to watch the african world cup argentina vs nigeria.. zzzzzzz... so we split into two groups.. one goin to watch a movie and the other one watch the match.. i was with the movie group.. but then, another prob came up.. one side wanted to watch prince of persia and the other wanted to watch nightmare on elm street.. so we went for the majority and nightmare on elm street it was..
it was one sick shit horror movie.. but to me, it was kinda bullshit.. especially the last part where the main character pulled the villain out from her dream.. zzzz... but overall it was ok.. for those who hates blood and sudden loud sound coming out from no where , i suggest you should stick to power rangers.. even my frens screamed lool..
after the movie, it was time for us to eat.. yesh.. many choices such ms mcd, hardees, kfc, etc etc.. but one shop caught my attention.. can`t remember the name but they were selling asian food.. rice and noodles etc etc.. and one of fren said, "this is heaven to hafiz".. haha.. can`t get dat out of my head.. so damn funny..
at 5 o`clock or somthing, we donno wat to do, so we planned on playing bumper cars.. lool.. kinda childish but who cares.. it was fun though.. and i recorded everything.. when we were bumping to each other.. b.u.m.p.i.n.g...
not much to do after dat.. just chilling around and we went home after dat.
apiz on vacation,
school holiday
1 June 2010
I call them art! ;-)
31 May 2010
there`s a time when..
your mood turns u down and everything dosen`t go as planned.. well, dat happens to me like everyday loool.. don`t know how to put this in words, but the point is i`m not a mood swinger.. dats according to me.. ;)
lately, after each exam, i keep on forgetting stuffs/information/data/name/wat i did yesterday etc etc.. don`t know why.. but i am damn serius.. takes me a while to remember those stuffs back..
happy, sad, wtf, can`t wait, hope it never comes.. well, school break is about to come.. and i think it will start tomorrow.. after my physics exam.. arrrgghhh.. btw, i don`t know how, why, wat, when, who,, but during all the examination, for the first time, i was farking confident!!! i answered them with a huge smile on my face..! except for bio paper 3 though.. sighh..
love.........is.....something.......dat........can.....wait...according to wikipedia.. =P
and the most annoying thing dat happens to me everyday at my house is getting scratched by my cat.. uughhghghg... he jumps from no where and scratch and bite me on the regions dat i don`t expect.. no not my balls.. *perverted people*.. i mean on my arms n legs.. now i`m full of tattoo on my body because of my nameless cat.. X-(
well, dats it for now.. gotta revise for tomorrow`s paper.. bye-bye..
lately, after each exam, i keep on forgetting stuffs/information/data/name/wat i did yesterday etc etc.. don`t know why.. but i am damn serius.. takes me a while to remember those stuffs back..
happy, sad, wtf, can`t wait, hope it never comes.. well, school break is about to come.. and i think it will start tomorrow.. after my physics exam.. arrrgghhh.. btw, i don`t know how, why, wat, when, who,, but during all the examination, for the first time, i was farking confident!!! i answered them with a huge smile on my face..! except for bio paper 3 though.. sighh..
love.........is.....something.......dat........can.....wait...according to wikipedia.. =P
and the most annoying thing dat happens to me everyday at my house is getting scratched by my cat.. uughhghghg... he jumps from no where and scratch and bite me on the regions dat i don`t expect.. no not my balls.. *perverted people*.. i mean on my arms n legs.. now i`m full of tattoo on my body because of my nameless cat.. X-(
well, dats it for now.. gotta revise for tomorrow`s paper.. bye-bye..
24 May 2010
aaahhh yesh.. 2 more weeks to go.. then summer holiday starts.. =D
n fyi, i`m currently having my final exam.. so kinda busy lately.. =P
n fyi, i`m currently having my final exam.. so kinda busy lately.. =P
13 May 2010
another one goes
sadly to say, ust. zainuddin`s family have to leave.. damn.. more and more people are leaving and dat makes me the only shit head still in egypt.. from 20 malaysian that goes to PISC, only a bunch of us are left.. and yeah, today we had a photograph session in school.. but this time not with class but with u`re nationality friends.. kinda cool.. but when it was the malaysian`s turn, i looked around and i realised that not all of us are here.. owhhh.. i feel so lonely now.. =(
"cheer up sucker", said a bird.. "maybe u`re the one to be next leving this country".. and then i smiled alone like a maniac..
so couple of days ago, we went to this bowling center.. to play bowling and a farewell gathering for them..

well, after that we chilled at ust. zainuddin`s house for a while.. for the last time i guess.. it was fun though..
all gotta say to them is this.. thank you very much for treating me kindly.. cuz i always hang out at your house twice a week or so.. till late night.. we`ve faced many shits during our time in egypt.. many unforgettable memories with you guys.. and the best one was when we were in matrouh and siwa.. dat was a blast.. with the laughs and joys of everyone during the ride in the desert.. woooww... goood luck and all the best in life.. last but not least, see u guys in malaysia.. u know where my house is rite?? haahaha..
"cheer up sucker", said a bird.. "maybe u`re the one to be next leving this country".. and then i smiled alone like a maniac..
so couple of days ago, we went to this bowling center.. to play bowling and a farewell gathering for them..

well, after that we chilled at ust. zainuddin`s house for a while.. for the last time i guess.. it was fun though..
all gotta say to them is this.. thank you very much for treating me kindly.. cuz i always hang out at your house twice a week or so.. till late night.. we`ve faced many shits during our time in egypt.. many unforgettable memories with you guys.. and the best one was when we were in matrouh and siwa.. dat was a blast.. with the laughs and joys of everyone during the ride in the desert.. woooww... goood luck and all the best in life.. last but not least, see u guys in malaysia.. u know where my house is rite?? haahaha..
shit happens
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