when thinking about egypt, the first thing that comes to your mind is pyramids. i think la. the pyramids u`ve been thinking is the pyramid of giza. am i write? some of you never know what a pyramid looks like, so i`ll share some of my pictures with you guys.

yeah behind that dude is the pyramid. haha. jk jk.
now i`ll show the real pyramid of giza.

but what u guys don`t know about egypt is that there are tones of pyramids besides giza. i want to tell the history of pyramids, but i know u guys will get bored. so i`ll just show some of the pictures besides pyramid of giza.

this baby is called the pyramid of djoser a.k.a the step pyramid. built by king bla bla bla. the height is bla bla bla. n the other crap bla bla bla. a picture is worth a thousand words. so just sit back n enjoy the show.

while my bro n i were enjoying the magnificent view, suddenly we saw this couple having ehem3. we were like astaghfirlah x100. i was like why were they doing this crime in a public place. no one did or say anything. some of them were looking at them too. were they enjoying it or wat? i managed to take a picture of them to show the world what happens when 2 couples get overexcited.

besides that we saw this sexy dog that looks like Anubis. fyi u can google anubis if u don`t know what he is.